Characters in Homer's Odyssey Part 1 (Koen Van Cauwenberge)

Matching exercise


Match the items on the right with the items on the left.

Phaeacian princess who helps Odysseus and brings him to the palace of her parents.
aged nursemaid who remained loyal to Penelope and Telemachus
wife of Menelaus and was kidnapped by Paris
giants who eat humans and throw with rocks
a Cyclop and a son of Poseidon
god of the sea
goddess of wisdom and she helps Odysseus a lot
creatures with the head of a female
and the body of a bird who jeopardise ships by singing songs
father of Odysseus
a blind prophet, the most famous soothsayer of ancient Greece and Odysseus meets him in the Underworld
swineherd who helps Odysseus
the messenger of the gods
a people of drug addicts
a sea-nymph who fell in love with Odysseus and kept him for 7 years on her island
an Enchantress who turned Odysseus' men into swine and other animals